During the days off school due to the impact of storms and floods, the WISers continue to nurture their passion for learning. With the support of their Teachers, Students have shown initiative and self-learning consciousness through various activities such as reading, doing projects, completing subject assignments, …
Especially, with the spirit of connecting and spreading love, the Students have come together to support the community when the North is affected by natural disasters, such as writing letters, drawing pictures to honor and express their admiration and gratitude to people, soldiers, volunteers, and officials who are working day and night to fight against storms and floods. Besides, the sharing and connection are more evident when Students proactively call to check on their relatives far away who are directly affected by the storms and floods.
These small actions but with great spiritual meaning, reflect the loving and caring hearts of WISers towards the surrounding community. This makes the Happy Journey of each WISer more meaningful, creating a future of Well-being.
Source: Wellspring Hanoi Middle School Students.